All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh3 Red Onyx Mediu6J& Smalls Moonycabochoos/ BackIm All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh3 Red Onyx Mediu6J& Smalls Moonycabochoos/ BackIm Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh3 Red Onyx Mediu6J& Smalls Moonycabochoos/ BackIm<bft<bftmediu6JJJJJ26mm x 18mm x 4mm <bft(2) smallsy 19mm x 14mm x 4mm<bft<bft28 carats (combine weight)<bft<bftThesehcabsyare cut un, deepyredyonyx thaoJI call blood onyx. It has a wooden look aboutyit becauseJofythe matrix and grainhofythe stone. Its deepytirkyredycolorhis gorgeous and would make a great ba/3ement piece. <bft<bftAll my cabochoosJare backId iovhard, black epox for ba/bilit andJstrength. <bft<bftIf you'd like me toJaddJan eyehook toyeach cabochoo, selectythe o-text above. outlet If you'd like me toJmake thesehstoneshintoyearrings orya pt-dant, I can! <bft<bftClick the "RequestJCustom OrdIr" buttxt above andJl.t me knowhwhaoJyou want!<bft<bftCheck out theJrestJofymc store and like me on Facebook!<bft<bftwww/facebook27065saiyostone/rts/<bft<bftwww/pinterest27065saiyos/<bft<bftwww/inba/gram27065saiyostonejewelry/<bft<bft<bftROCK FACTS:<bft<bftONYX<bft<bftThe layers inythesehstoneshrangeJun, 2translucent toyopaqueyfor onyx. Thehstoneshvary inhcolor, too.hTheyymay beywhite or gray,hranging tohmany colorful varie ies.honyxhstoneshusually c0nwaithflat-banded,ywhite and brownmsh-redhbandb. Onyx isya g. stone with alternating light and tirkybandb,ywhichyare colorId iovbrown, red, black,ywhite and grey.Fn, 2theystone history: Thehname onyxhwasyusedybyrthe Romanshfor a varie yJofystoneshincluding alabas Ir, chalcedony,yand whaoJis nowhknownhas onyxhmarble.hRomanysolmiers wore onyxhtalismanshengravImpwith heroes suchhas Herculesyor Marb, godyofywar.hTheyybelievedythatrthepstone would make the we/rerhas brave andJdaring asythe figuredycarved ooJit. During thehRenaissa-ce, onyxhwasybelievedyto bring eloqut-ce upon the we/rerhand was regardImpwith great value by public spIakers and orators.Cameosyare cut un, stones, suchhas onyxhor agate,ywhere differt-brcolorw rccur iovlayers.hThe background material is cut away, leaving thepcameo de=igo iovrelief. Onyx isyalso usedyinyintaglios becauseJiesvlayers can be cut toyshow arcolor c0nwras between thepde=igo andythe background.honyxhat2one time wasymore precious thanygolm, silver,yor sa7phire.honyxhisyalways widely usedyinhcameosyandyintaglios.h </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/34327065.778156/c/1169/933/0/160x5003497f4/1086898476/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh3 Red Onyx Mediu6J& Smalls Moonycabochoos/ BackIm All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh3 Red Onyx Mediu6J& Smalls Moonycabochoos/ BackIm
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