Bronze Pot, Vengala Panai - Kansya Patra, Kancina Patre, Kumbakonam Special. Traditional cookware 1 Kg Rice Cooking outlet Capacity -Wt 2 KG.
outlet Bronze Pot, Vengala Panai - Kansya Patra, Kancina Patre, Kumbakonam Special. Traditional cookware 1 Kg Rice Cooking Capacity -Wt 2 KG. Ideal for preparing Pongal. Ht 6 inch x W 6 inch
Bronze Vessel ” - Excellent metal. Bronze is usually used to Cook, Eat food and drink water on a daily basis which helps enhancing the good Health. Cooking and eating the food made in these vessels provide the body with many of the essential micronutrients. While cooking in Bronze vessel helps your body to be get rid of acidity and in Ayurveda, bronze utensils are also said to neutralize Vatham and Pittham. Usage of Bronze vessels was know from 3000 years ago. Few years before bronze vessel is mandatory vessel in every home. Our traditional cooking vessels are always good for Health.